Monday, February 21, 2011

True Meaning of Beauty

Somerset West, South Africa (day 28)

Today I discovered what the word beautiful actually means.

We set off this morning to meet Pat Cardenish O'neil who owns a farm in Somerset West (but more on Pat's farm later). To get to Somerset West we embarked on the most sensational road trip. The scenery was breathtaking; red tides, stunning mountain ranges and pitchure perfect beaches. U2 played softly in the background as I sat drunk with pleasure. We made a pit stop at Kalk Bay a beach side suburb were we visited this hip Cuban restaurant which I will definitely return to.

We made another pit stop at Muzenberg; where small, brightly coulered houses scattered along the coast. At Muzanberg the township of Khyaleishya met the sandy bay; poverty and beauty contrasted perfectly. Dark skinned children played ball games in makeshift fields, shandy shops bordered the informal settlement.

After our stop at Muzanberg we climbed back into the car. We drove for another 20 minutes before arriving at Pat's Farm.

Pat's farm is not like any other farm I have been to. "Pat Cardenish O'neil was born into a world of enormous riches, eccentricity and intrigue". Pat formerly lived in Kenya where she was the only white lady in the village. The fact that she was white and shared her bed with a lion made her seem even more magical. The tribal men would summons this 'white witch' to perform healing ceremonies.

Pat now owns a farm in Somerset West in the Western Cape of South Africa. Eccentric and Intriguing do not even begin to describe this peculiar 86 year old woman. Pat has 30 rescued dogs, fifteen rescued cats, baboons, horses, peacocks, chickens and a chimpanzee.
After arriving at Pat's farm we were warmly welcomed inside by a mountain goat and three Great Danes. Dogs, cats and this goat roamed the house freely. There were dogs everywhere. In the bedrooms, in the kitchen and unfortunately even in the bathroom. My friend attempted to go to the toilet but was interrupted by a brown dog the size of a horse.

After some exploring, stimulating conversation and a handshake from a chimpanzee we sat down for a lovely lunch. The meal was served up on fine china and it would have been classy had a goat not been taking a dump.

After saying our goodbyes to Pat and her many animals we headed for a winery. I do not drink wine so instead I went for a stroll through the magical scenery. An eagle flew past and disappeared into the sun. Rugged mountain ranges and sapphire ocean surrounded the ordered vineyards. The air smelt of sea salt and sour grapes. Birds sang, cows moaned as I walk bare foot along the warm pavement.

Today I discovered what the word beautiful actually means.


  1. Mon that was so much mote than a blog! It's like I drank it up like a cup of coffee, I feel so satisfied - like I saw it through your eyes... Loved it! Keep writing Jess xx

  2. Wow Symon what a blast. This is amazing

  3. Thanks for the positive feedback from Symon
