Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Little Sad and Frustrating

Table View, South Africa (day 11)

Work today was a little frustrating, and a little sad.

It was a little sad because Sandas* one of the children was collected from the foster home by his social worker with out notice. The child I said goodbye to appears to be the most emotionally damaged out of the toddlers. He came in to care at an older age after being rescued from the street. He has a lot of anger inside him for such a young child. I do hope his new family is good to him and he grows to be the child he is capable of being.

I feel for the long term staff and volunteers that did not even get the chance to say goodbye.

It was a little frustrating because we are overstaffed. It is hard to accept that while this service is being impregnated with too many volunteers, other services are desperate for help. When I decided to volunteer overseas I did so with the desire for a challenge. At the moment I feel like I am waiting for a baby to poop so I have something to do.  

I do realise however that my attitude plays a significant part in the how meaningful I find my work. So I have decided that I will use the skills I do I have to benefit the kids.

I could research exercises I can do with Gary* to help improve his speech, or activities that will help Jacob* enhance his motor skills. I can set up relays for the older children or organise other fun activities. This sounds more rewarding and beneficial than praying for a pooped nappy.

* names changed to protect privacy of children

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