Thursday, February 3, 2011

Night on the Town

Cape Town, South Africa (day 10)

Last night I went to an African restaurant with a group of volunteers I have been working with. The restaurant was located on the beach front where the sun set like a painting over the Atlantic Ocean. The mood was festive as we talked about the projects we have been working on and life in general. It was great to see how a group of people who's homes scatter across the globe can come together so well when we have a common purpose. I have to admit I expected that living with fifteen girls would be a nightmare to say the least. But I have been pleasantly surprised with the comradery that has formed amongst us.

So back to the night on the town; as I said we were eating at an African restaurant. I bravely ordered the ostrich in an attempt to try some real African food (I do hope it wasn't the ostrich I saw dancing in the Cape Peninsular). The ostrich was interesting but it was the atmosphere that made the night stand out. An African lady painting our faces, surf tables set in small swimming pools overlooking the sea and the soulful music.

It was nice to have a night on the town

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