Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Heartbreak Kids

Khayelitsha, South Africa (day 8)

Today I went to the Township of Khayelitsha. Khayelitsha is a city of makeshift shacks that stretch 50 square kilometers. 2 million people live in these shandy houses made of scrap metal, timber and any other materials that can be of use.  While in the township I had the privilege of visiting a day care that caters for 100 children. A Xhosa lady started the day care to keep the children from the township off the street. She only charges the parent 50 Rand a month which is about 7 dollars. She hopes to gain a government grant soon but will continue regardless.

What amazes  me about South Africa is the people's generosity and resilience. People will give whatever they can to help and not expect anything in return.

But what I love most about South Africa is the children. How they have so much love and are so grateful for life and the little things they are given. It was at that day  care in Khayelitsha, while I was being smothered in the love of these children a flame was sparked inside my heart.

A fire of love, passion and the desire to do my part to make this world a better place. A fire that burns bright inside me and gives my life meaning. A flame that I will have to tend to as to ensure it never goes out.


  1. wow mony this is truly amazing. Your going to change the world. I just know it!!!!

  2. You are growing every day Mon & it it great watching you do it!
