Friday, February 25, 2011

The Good Life

Table View, South Africa (day 32)


Today I lived the good life. I slept in till 9am then made myself a lovely breakfast. I then caught a bus to Cape Town with two friends were we played happy tourists. We went to a museam, window shopped and laughed a lot. Then we had a late lunch at Mama Africa's on Long Street. I ate crocodile (and another large animal I can not remember the name of) on a kebab snd shared a Zimbabwean stew.

After returning to Table View I had the oppertunity to live my secret girlish fantasy. I got to slap on a charcoal face mask and cover my eyes with cucumber. 5 of us girls sat in a circle and posed for a photo. It was totally lame, but also lots of fun

What can I say life is tough in Africa.


  1. HAHA

    WOW I never thought I'd see the day!!! The closest thing I've ever seen is when you eat chocolate and miss your mouth.

  2. Nath your so synical (don't think I spelt that right) I can be a lady
