Thursday, April 21, 2011

Diary of a Street Kid

Sihanouk ville, Cambodia (day 95)

I forgot for a second. I forgot who I was and where I was; it felt good. I long for those few short seconds before I wake up. Where I can float between a dream world and reality. Where I can forget how messed up my life actually is. I want to stay in that moment forever but my ankles itch with fresh mosquito bites and my stomach gnaws with hunger pains. So I crawl off the ground and begin my day.

Sorry I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Kun and I am nine years old. I live on the streets of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. My mother died of Malaria three years ago. Now it is just me, my dad and my sisters. My dad lost his right leg after he kicked a landmine so he can’t work. So now it is up to me to make sure we survive.

My sisters sell bracelets and books in the city. I do whatever work I can. Some days we make lots of money. I proudly carry home a big bowl of noodles and our family has a feast. On those days I get to go to sleep with a full tummy. Other days we don’t make any money. Then I have to try and steal so we can eat.

Sometimes I find myself crying. When I realize what is happening I pinch myself real hard. The weak cannot survive in Cambodia. So instead I get angry. I look at other kids my age and I am filled with envy. I would love to go to school or giggle with my friends in the park. I get angry at my mum for dying and I get angry at my dad for only having one leg.

I hope one day that I can make more money. So we can get our own house and the girls can go to school. We will be able to feast on food every day and be able to forget what hunger pains feel like

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