Tuesday, February 8, 2011

May I Come Into Your Bubble

Table View, South Africa (day 14)

Today I decided to give the boys at Home of Hope a much needed lesson in personal space.

The majority of children at the house suffer from Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Consequently their understanding of appropriate behaviour is practically non-existent. When one of the boys groped at my breasts for the third time in ten minutes I knew it was time for a lesson in bubbles.

'Listen up boys' I ordered in my most serious teachers voice. "We need to talk about personal space". I asked the boys to visualise a bubble around me and around themselves. I described this bubble as a person's personal space. I explained to them that for now on they had to ask me if they could come into my personal space and that I would do the same.  

So for the rest of the day I had little boys yelling 'excuse me Symon may I come into your bubble" before they smothered me in cuddles. I am sure I will have to continuously explain the concept of personal space for the remainder of my placement at Home of Hope.

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