Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Search for the Mountain Gorilla's

Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda

I have to pinch myself for a second as the experience is so surreal. I am in the the middle of the jungle that borders Rwanda. Uganda and The Democratic Republic of Congo. We are trekking up and down the mountains in search of a family of Silver-back Gorilla's. There are three men with rifles to protect us from wild animals and more men with machetes clearing a path through the jungle. The climb is tough but we have been told the family or Gorilla's is only two hours away. We climb and we slip, but finally we arrive at the spot in the jungle where the family is hanging out.

It is an incredible moment when we see the large male gorilla resting in the bush. He looks over at us with curiosity. Our guide attempts to communicate with the Gorilla using a series of grunts and chesty growls. He asks for permission for us to approach the family. The Gorilla responds with a heavy grunt which I was told meant welcome and we moved closer. Just as we were becoming comfortable the Gorilla decided we needed to be reminded that he was the one in charge. With one swift movement he grabbed the tracker and pushed him to the ground. He moved his face close to the men's body. In fact I though he was going to bite it off for a second. Then he gave my fellow traveler a friendly cuff across the head. My heart was beating hard in my chest. But the Gorilla made his point and then he moved a side and began eating. We were then able to meet the others members of the family. We were introduced to a cheeky teenager, a curious baby and several other family members. There were approximately 20 Mountain Gorilla's in the family.. After spending an hour with the family we said our goodbyes and set of for a long trek back to the village. It was a profound experience and a definite highlight 


  1. Hi there,
    For anyone who is reading this blog, beautifully written and absolutely true (I was there too). I am still thinking that it was so surreal that we cannot believe we were there just 1m away from this magnificent creatures.
    Well done Symone, keep up the good work :)
    Joe & Mariana (fellow travelers)
