Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Culture Shock

Delhi, India ~ Agra, India

I would not describe culture shock as sudden alarm, disgust or surprise. It is more like a creeping discontentment, or melancholy. An empty feeling in your chest. The word shock is misleading. You expect that if you are in shock it will be dramatic, something you can easily identify. You don't realise it can sneak through a window without you noticing.

I am on a train from New Delhi to Agra. The heavy fog that has coated the Indian capital has begun to dissipate. But to be honest I do not like what I see. The poverty assaults your every sense. I now realise poverty has a smell.

I had heard so many stories of India. I knew of the slums, I had been warned of the child beggars. It's the finer details that takes you by surprise. It's the lines of men, women and children defecating along the railway lines. It is the child with old eyes that knows of a life no different.


  1. Symon Thats Honest, Shocking, Hectic and so Raw. I think Ill go to Westfields and suffer the "dilemma" of wondering what to buy next.

  2. The souls in the richest countries in the world are equally as Barron as these hungry hearts. I served in the slums of Mumbai last year, and it was such a challenge. I am disgusted how inhumane we are as human beings, the majority of people go about their daily business and are not even aware of this level of poverty. I honour you for raising awareness. Have an amazing trip and love them like Jesus does :-)

  3. Merry Christmas Symon. Hope your OK. Love you special Girl. xox
