Sunday, February 6, 2011


Cape Town, South Africa (day 13)

I expected to be terrified when the day came for me to jump out of a plane. Instead I was relaxed and grounded; possessed with quiet determination. I barely recognised this cool calm young lady.

This morning I boarded a taxi with three of my new girlfriend's and we headed north with the mission to jump out of a plane. We arrived at this shed in the middle of no where. There was a number of small aircraft's parked inside. Before long I was being dressed in my harness. I looked at the flimsy pieces of material and thought 'is this really going to prevent me from falling to my death'.

A few minutes later I was shuffled on this tiny plane that appeared to be held together using duct tape. Still I was not afraid. The engine of the plane roared and shook as we took off. We soared higher and higher. I was hypnotised by the beautiful, rugged scenery. I could have stayed in that moment forever.

Then we were 2500 meters above the sky and the screen enclosing us in the plane was removed. The nerves kicked in; as I was sitting with my legs dangling over the edge of the plane I screamed "I am not sure if......", to late I am falling.

Shit I am falling, yet I have never felt so safe. Adrenalin and courage rush through me as my stomach does somersaults. I am flipping and falling through the skies of Africa and I have never felt so alive.

Then the parachute is pulled and I am floating through the air. Now this is what I call paradise; peace, joy and serenity.

I feel like I can conquer the world. Fear no longer controls me.


  1. I miss you mate and so does Michelle we are following you on here day to day. Take care xxx Kath

  2. Im so proud of you!!!!!!! I knew you could do it!!!!!!!!

  3. Hey Kathy I miss you and Michelle so much to.

    Thank you Nathy It was amazing how high was the jump you did

  4. Wow Symon Sounds like the plane flight was scarier than the fall!!
