Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Singapore Sling, Wicked Witches and a Night at the Zoo

Riverside, Singapore

I am currently in Singapore on a five day stop over on my way to India. I landed in Singapore three nights ago, giddy from the complementary in flight cocktails. Since arriving I have done nothing but eat amazing food, and take in the sights. Singapore is not like any place I have ever travelled to before. It is clean, safe, easy to navigate and the standard of living is high. I plan on enjoying the creature comforts, as I know my next destination will be a complete contrast.

Last night I went on a night safari. There were lions, and tigers and bears (oh my). I sat in an open tram, as we weaved through equatorial Africa, the jungles of Asia and the  Himalayan foothills . There were elephants, rhino's and giraffes and for a second it was like being back in Africa or Indonesia as the animals approached our train. I sat back, relaxed and enjoyed the ride.

Then today I went to the theatre and saw Wicked the musical. The untold story of the Witches of Oz. It was a spectacular performance. I sat on the edge of my seat captivated by the narrative, the music and extravagance.

Actually extravagant is probably the best word I could use to describe Singapore. Since coming hear I have stumbled across play groups that teach three year old children Mandarin, phonics and mathematics. More designer shops than people, and Christmas decorations like no where else. 
Singapore has been an interesting place to visit, but it is India that I have really come to see.

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