Sunday, January 30, 2011

Poo Explosions

Table View, South Africa (Day 6)

disclaimer: Please do not be offended by anything I am writing in this post

5 babies,twenty-five nappy changes, and a shirt covered in diarrhea; it was day of poo explosions.

I was bathing three of the babies when a volunteer shot into the bathroom with Kia* a fourteen month old girl that was at the time covered in shit. "I am not sure what to do" she said; have another baby poop machine I am sure she was thinking. Then she passed  Kia* my way like a hot potato. So that was how the diarrhea covered shirt occurred. From there the afternoon was only going to get better.

So after I cleaned up Kia* it became necessary to change my t-shirt. However this became an issue as I had no change of clothes. So I worked with the limited resources I had. I hand washed my t-shirt and was kindly given an apron to cover my bra from the grinning house mother.

But the babies did not want to have a bar of it. They were intent of stripping me of the fabric that was covering my exposed chest. I was crawling on the ground in a costume that resembled a bar tender in a strip club as three toddlers pulled at the strings of my apron. They were giggling; I was mortified, it was really quite a spectacle.  

( * name changed to protect the identity of the child)


  1. Mon that is just soooo funny - how many babies are u looking after and what ages? That would have been a funniest home videos winner and u wld be $25,000 richer. But then again yr experience is priceless!!!!

  2. Loz There are 5 babies/toddlers that are under 2 and then there are older kids that vary in ages from 4-10

  3. hahahahaha

    You are so talented Mon. Mum and i laughed so much at this!!!!!
