Sunday, January 2, 2011

The missionary club (Where it all began)

Camden, Australia (1996)

I sat on the edge of my seat listening intently as our teacher told us the story of the little match girl. My heart ached for the little girl who froze to death as those around her feasted on roast dinners; comfortable in the warmth of their own homes. The story of the little match girl may have been bitter sweet but the injustice gnawed at me. As a child I was acutely aware of the suffering within my world, I realized that in many ways I was very lucky. I wanted to help other kids living in poverty and war torn countries.

The story of the little match girl had a profound effect on me and motivated me to do my part to make the world a better place. This is how the Missionary Club began. My brother, myself and some close family friends decided that we would start a club to help children overseas.

I took my role as the Manager very seriously. The club was surprisingly official considering we were young children. We had our own club house with a pulpit that my brother built from scrap wood.  We would have meetings to plan ways to raise money. A significant part of the club was musical performances for the parents where we would sell coffee and refreshments. After building the club on good foundations the recruiting began. I was very proud when thirty-two children joined our cause.

Letters would arrive in the mail from bigger organisations addressed to the manager of the Missionary Club.  I would race around the house carrying my prize. We held a 40 hour famine and other similar fundraising activities. The Missionary Club gave my life meaning. I felt I was working towards something really important and I had big dreams for our humble club.
I feel like I am finally about to endevour on the dream that began over fifteen years ago.


  1. I will be following you mony!!!
    I'm so excited for you and honoured that I was a part in the birth of your dreams. This trip I's going to change your life. it will thrill you, shock you and surprise you; both pleasantly and unpleasantly. this is a big step into an adventure for you but I believe in you, as I always have.

    I will be praying for you mony.

    I love you!!!!
    All the best!!!!

    from nafy

  2. Thankyou Nathy you are such important part of my life
