Saturday, January 29, 2011

Beautiful Children

Table View, South Africa (day 5)

Today was my first day at Home of Hope. Home of Hope is a place of safety for children that have been abused, neglected or orphaned. I do not know the stories for each child but there scars, bruises and cry for affection explain more than words ever could.

I can not describe what it is like to work with these beautiful children. It is heart breaking, frustrating, draining and inspiring. Despite having the most horrific of beginnings the children smile and laugh. When you see their precious grins your heart warms and you draw them close. You thank them for the opportunity to be welcomed into their world.  

Africa is stealing my heart. Beauty and tragedy roll in together to make the resilient people of South Africa. I am not sure if I will ever want to come home.


  1. Mummy is now on the journey too!!! lol
    Monie it is so cool to hear your daily experiences - I feel like I am experiencing everything with you. Soak it all up girl!
    Love mum X

  2. Mum is that really you and do you know what lol means

  3. :) Monny your so awesome, these blogs are so inspiring.. pleas come home ever if it's just for a little bit haha. Love you xo
