Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Me Plus Three

Nadi, Fiji

I have always travelled independently. This year I have explored southern Africa, Asia and Indonesia as a lone nomad. I had complete control of my itinerary. I shared the joys and tragedies in written word, for the face sitting in the seat beside me was ever changing.

Now it is me plus three. Me and my friend set off for Fiji a week ago with two children in tow. I have to admit as we raced around the airport with our kids, anxiety sat in the pit of my stomach. I would have to negotiate every decision made. There would be fighting, stress and tears. It turns out that negotiating enhanced the experience. I grew as an individual and as a friend. I actually enjoyed having the faces beside me remain unchanging. I shared the joys, beauty and frustration with my friend and two children. Me plus three; that has a nice ring to it.

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