Tuesday, December 20, 2011


New Delhi, India

I could show you a photo, but it would not do justice to what I have seen.  When you arrive in Delhi you are assaulted by so many different aromas and sounds. Your mind is racing struggling to keep up with the chaos that is India. The roads are bursting with cars, bikes, buses and livestock. There are no obvious traffic laws, just the constant sound off horns, yelling and screeching breaks. The streets are bordered with rubbish; feral dogs, cows and street kids fight over the takings. Everything looks broken and dirty. Even the children have old eyes. There are smells of rotting meat, human excrement, curry, smoke and incense.  The smells are so intoxicating that you can taste it. But among all this ugliness there is color. Sari's of every shade draped over beautiful Hindi women. Bustling Bizarres with hawkers selling foods, clothing and materials that hold more colours than a rainbow.

What an incredible experience

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