Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Community and Kinship

Khayelitsha, South Africa (day 37)

The evenings at Khayelitsha more than make up for the tribulations of working at the Eduare centre.

Khayelitsha is a world away from the volunteer house in Table View. I am sweaty, dirty, I have bites all over me and my whole body aches. Still I am so grateful to be here to get a taste of township life.

This afternoon my new African family took me for a walk through the township. We ate freshly cooked chicken feet. They turned out to be delicious despite their intimidating appearance. On return we played ball games in the street. It seemed the whole neighbourhood joined in. The sense of community and kinship here in section C of Khayelitsha is heart warming. I feel welcome in the neighbourhood.

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