Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Place In The Sky

Ngorongora Crater, Tanzania 

Last night I camped in a sanctuary amongst the clouds. The  sun formed a beautiful mosaic in the horizon. It shone down on the crater wall across from me. Masai men walked past occasionally calling out 'Jumbo' . The lake at the bottom of the crater shined like precious jewels. I felt like I was in heaven. I fell asleep to the sound of buffalo's snorting and hyena's cackling. This morning I awoke before the sun had risen The full moon shone down illuminating the night. Then the sun began to rise setting the sky on fire. I looked down from my place in the clouds and smiled. What a beautiful morning in Africa. 

Monday, December 24, 2012

Our Goat Called Christmas

 Mto Wa Mbu, Tanzani

He cried out, but he seemed resigned to the fact that he would not be around much longer. We called our goat Christmas. I tried not to look him in the eye. After the sun has set we gathered around. Our camp cook and some men from the local village tied up the goat. With one sharp movement of the knife the goat was dead. I watched with horror and intrigue. Today we celebrated Christmas the African way 

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Let the Adventure Begin

Nairobi, Kenya

After battling the chaos of Johannesburg airport, the Visa difficulties in Kenya and pre-election demonstrations I have arrived safely at my hotel in Kenya. Let the adventures begin

Friday, December 21, 2012

Back Home in Africa

Soweto, South Africa

I am back home in Africa. I feel like I have found the piece of my heart that got left behind the last time I departed. There has been so much I missed while I was away. My heart longed for Africa, and the person that this amazing continent makes me. I missed the dirt covered children that wave and sing hello  I missed the resilience of the people. I missed big open smiles. I missed Africa and I want to savour every moment I am back in my home away from home.