Monday, May 23, 2011

Simple Beauty

Sydney, Australia

Sunsets that look like artwork, trees swaying in the Autumn wind. It would be easy for me to become depressed now that I am back home and confronted with reality. I have had my moments of melancholy, wishing I could fly away again. However this morning something shifted. As I watched champagne coloured leaves surrender to the breeze, I remembered that life is beautiful. Seasons change and I need to be grateful for the wonders that each day brings.  I look forward to travelling again; seeing and experiencing a world different to my own. But for now I will remember to enjoy life's simple beauties.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Coming Home

Sydney, Australia (3 days after return)
I have been home for three days now and my body is weary. I am not sure if I am still jet lagged or maybe I am a little depressed.

I go to the travel agent before I even unpack my bags. “Maybe I will go to India” I say to the lady. “Have you travelled before” she asks. “Actually I just got home yesterday” I reply.
Coming home is comforting. I take large gulps of shower water. I drive my car with the security of knowing where I am going. (Being careful to remember that there are in fact road rules here. I cannot honk my horn instead of indicating).
It is the first time in four months that my feet are not caked in dirt. I can drink tap water again and the cool crisp air is refreshing after sixteen weeks of humidity.  I get to sleep in my own bed and finally unpack my bags.
But it is quiet here and it feels like something is missing.

Coming home has been is in part a paradox. Realising that everything has changed, yet nothing has.
I am not sure if I am different. I know I don’t want my life to become average. I have seen and experienced too much to be content with monotony.
So what now?
In time I am sure I will be able to understand how I have changed and what I should do next. But for now I feel like I am in limbo waiting until I fly away again.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Sa Pa, Vietnam (day 113)

"It's disrespectful not to accept a drink when you visit someone's home" one of the girls whsipered with a smile. So we downed our eleventh shot of rice wine. Soon we were dancing and partying in a small village in Sapa. The drinks kept coming and the night got crazier. I was having the time of my life at this unexpected village party.

I realised this morning that this spontaneity is what I have grown to love so much about travel. Every day is an adventure and a suprise. Sometimes travel can be stressful, draining and heartbreaking. But mostly my travels have been exciting, inspiring and enlightining. Surrounded by beauty and culture.

I decided before this trip began that I would keep my mind open and make the most of every opportunity. I have been rewarded with memories that will last a life time and new knowlege that can not be learnt in books. I have grown more resilient and more mature.

I look forward to travelling again and learning and growing even more.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Beautiful Vietnam

Sa pa, Vietnam (day 111)

I am not sure if I have ever seen such a beautiful sight. As morning breaks in Sapa a sense of peace sweeps through me. I open the window of the bus and let the crisp dawn air flow through my hair. I can smell the faint aroma of cooking smoke and last nights rain. The mountains stretch far into the horizon and are wrapped with mist. Crops cover the mountains and steep valleys like an optical illusion. 

As I draw closer to the end of this journey I get lost in my thoughts.  I have have had the most amazing four months of my life. My journey had been tragic and beautiful, heartbreaking and inspiring.