Monday, April 9, 2012


Roturua, New Zealand

As the orange bus pulls into the township of Rotarua the smell of sulpha fills the air. The best way to describe the smell of sulpha is like rotten eggs. I took a walk through the thermal wonderland.  Thermal pools bubble up making the sound of an old kettle and the frying of bacon. Smoke and steam rise up from under the ground through storm water drains and thermal baths and escapes through every crevasse. It seems as if the entire city could erupt any second


Friday, April 6, 2012

The People You Meet

Rangitata, New Zealand

I am in a dorm of ten tonight. The ten beds are squeezed into a small bedroom and the triple bunks tower close to the ceiling. Baggage covers the floors. But being crammed into a room with ten people I don't know can be a blessing. When you travel you don't just discover the country you are travelling through. You discover the worlds of your fellow travellers.

The Deep South

Queenstown- Stuart Island- Milford Sound- Queenstown, New Zealand

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

An Unremarkable Adventure

Queenstown, New Zealand

This is me flying through the sky's of Queenstown . 

Actually it's not really me. The truth is I spent an hour crying on top of the mountain that I was meant to fly off. My heart was beating too fast and I felt like the adrenalin was poisoning my body. In the end I could not bring myself to jump off.  Which is fair enough I guess. Who in their right mind wants to run off the edge of a cliff. Emotionally exhausted I could not even gather the courage to get the gondola back down the mountain. So I took the walk of shame all the way back down the mountain.

But I will be back and next time I will take the leap of faith.