Monday, June 13, 2011

One Month Later

Sydney, Australia
It seems like a life time ago that I was working in Africa and travelling the world. But I have only been back a month. It is amazing how quickly life returns to normal. I thought there would have been a profound change inside me, that everything would be different. But I look at my life and things seem exactly the same. I took the same route home from work this morning, ordered the same coffee at my favourite coffee shop and returned to the same house.

Maybe I am more grounded, more aware. Seeing and experiencing so much must change a person. Things have returned to normal so fast and slipping back into routine has been surprisingly easy. I realise that I rarely talk about my life overseas, about the tragic beauty of it all. About the inspiring people I met, about the remarkable things I learnt.

So where do I go from here. Do I allow my self slip into a monotonous existence. I want to make the most of every moment. That is what I loved the most about being abroad. I never wasted a second.